Spring in the City

The Washington Monument is framed by beautiful cherry blossoms each April. Photo courtesy of Flickr.
The Washington Monument is framed by beautiful cherry blossoms each April. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Spring has exploded here in Washington D.C, laddening once empty boroughs with heavy cherry blossoms and kissing the pavement with long forgotten sun. With AP exams upon us and classes racing towards an end, it can be easy to ignore the dramatic shift in landscape right outside your door in favor of dimly lit textbooks and late afternoon study sessions. But we at the Here and Now encourage you: don’t let these golden months slip by! Our city is known for its pink blossom beauty and to not take advantage of your proximity to it all is a shame. Thus, for your convenience, we have compiled a list of the best activities and destinations for these gradually warming days.

  1. Cherry Blossoms: While technically the official Cherry Blossom Festival has ended, many of the trees are still in bloom down on the National Mall. Lining the Tidal Basin, these hanging trees were a gift from the mayor of Tokyo City, Yukio Ozaki, given in March of 1912. Today, they attract thousands of tourists from across the country, and for many Washingtonians, are the epitome of spring. Because this year’s festival has come to a close, tickets are no longer necessary for access to the premier viewing spots. But hurry down– these blossoms are best known for their remarkably short lifespan and are sure to wilt in the coming days!
  2. National Cathedral Flower Mart: The annual Flower Mart, held in the National Cathedral’s stunning gardens, dates all the way back to 1939. Boasting more than 80 booths that feature everything from clothing and jewelry to food, the Flower Mart is another clear, beloved indicator of the season. Each year, floral designers and embassies from around the area work to arrange a theme for this occasion; this year, the theme is centered around the colorful countries of Asia. Tours of the Cathedral, rides for kids, first rate shopping and international cuisine all make the Flower Mart an absolute must this season. It opens this weekend, running from May 1st to the 2nd.
  3. Tidal Basin/ Potomac in Georgetown: Unbeknownst to most tourists, the cherry blossoms are far from the only thing the Tidal Basin area has to offer. A wide variety of warm weather events spring up around the waters of the Potomac, stretching all the way to where it winds past Georgetown. Sprawling footpaths that span this scenic terrain, as well as scattered racks to rent bikes and paddle boats, are sure to provide for a very full spring afternoon.
  4. Farmers markets: Farmers markets pop up across the city, generally beginning in early April. These open area vendors offer great deals on locally grown fruits, vegetables and other foods, as well as hand-made clothing and jewelry. Some of the best products can be found every Sunday in Dupont Circle, along 20th St., and every weekend at Eastern Market, on 7th St. With manageable crowds, bountiful options and live music, Eastern Market is a must-visit! The buzzing environment leaves one invigorated with the very essence of spring.






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