Prom 2016

Prom season is upon us, and with it comes outrageous promposals, drama of last-minute breakups, and the most sparkly Instagram feed imaginable. As an all-girls’ school, it is the responsibility of Stone Ridge girls to import dates from schools in the area, which is not always easy. In past years, there has been an increase of girls going solo to date dances. Whether that is because of a newfound comfort with arriving stag, or simply because girls are too busy to find dates, the whole “wallflower” concept seems to be almost entirely obsolete.

April, 2016 Survey of Stone Ridge Students
April, 2016 Survey of Stone Ridge Students

Prom is an important event for many high schoolers, but its confines are rapidly changing. As students redefine events like prom, they are redefining roles and stereotypes as well. According to an April survey of Stone Ridge girls, 43% of respondents are going stag to prom this year, and only 28% of those taking dates are in romantic relationships with their dates. An overwhelming 72% of students said that they would feel comfortable attending a date dance solo, and another 24% said that it would have to depend on the situation. Only 4% of respondents said that they would be uncomfortable going to a dance alone.

For the girls who choose to bring dates, chances are promposals were a big part of the process. The production of promposals has recently become a large part of prom season, and it now seems a little outrageous to forgo the promposal. Jessica Devine, ’16, who “isn’t into the whole cutesy stuff,” thought it would be more fun to prank her date. She “made a fake parking ticket and had a friend put it on his car… he was flipping out until he read the options on the back which were like ‘pay the fine, go to court, or go to prom with Jessica.’” This is a more creative promposal, but a poster, food, and an instagram post about it will always be a safe game plan.

This year’s prom was a huge success thanks to Ms. Zindulis and Prom Committee, as well as the faculty chaperones. Even though it was scheduled the same night as five other proms, Stone Ridge’s prom was by far the most important event of the night.



