Inside the Life of a Famous Stone Ridge Girl, Dani Rey

Dani Rey, otherwise known as Danielle Reyes, is a former Stone Ridge student who moved to Los Angeles to pursue a singing career. Apart from her work on music, Rey spends three to four hours a day on college work through Penn State. This reporter FaceTimed Rey to catch up on her career in the music industry.

Dani Rey poses in one of her YO! album photos. (photo courtesy of
Dani Rey poses in one of her YO! album photos. (photo courtesy of

Carlota Andrés: What surprised you about the music industry?

Dani Rey: People think that the music industry is all about the glitz and glam, but it’s definitely not. There is a lot of hard work that comes with it.

CA: Do you regret leaving D.C.? What do you miss most about D.C.?

DR: I don’t regret leaving, but I am not saying that I do not miss D.C. Something I miss is you guys! It’s a whole entire family environment over there. I also really miss Cava!

CA: How does your online college work?

DR: What people don’t know is that I am going to get the same degree as if I were on campus. When people ask where did you graduate from, I can say I got a communications degree from Penn State because it’s the same thing [as if I were physically there].

CA: How would you describe your music?

DR: I feel like it is pop with a little bit of R&B, and it’s something that people can listen to; it’s catchy, but it’s not too cliché. [Artists] here [in LA] whenever you ask them what is your genre they say “I don’t have one.”

[Artists] like to mix it up, so I like to say that I am a little bit of both.

CA: How long did it take you from start to finish to release your album?

     DR: It took so long! The whole process basically took seven months. I did seven songs, and then comes mastering them, adding things to [them] and then publishing [them] to iTunes.

CA: What is it like working with award-winning singers and producers [Miguelito and Divine]?

DR: Miguelito, who is featured on my track YO!, is really nice. They are really normal [and] very humble. Devine, the producer, has produced some of Rihanna’s songs, so when I met him I was in complete shock. Everything that he told me that was criticism really made me want to work harder. They aren’t just patting me on the back and telling me I’m doing a good job; they are really pushing me to make me a better artist.

     CA: How do you apply some of the Sacred

Heart goals to your daily life?

     DR: I think the fifth goal [personal growth

in an atmosphere of wise freedom] really

applies to me here in LA. I am really growing

into myself and meeting new people.

CA: Where do you see yourself in five years?

     DR: Hopefully I will sign to a

bigger label, release two or three more albums

and just be happy. I will [have] graduated.

Hopefully I will also do some touring.

If you want to keep up with Dani Rey,

follow her on Instagram @danireyofficial.

Her music is on Spotify and iTunes. Her

music video for YO! can be found on Vimeo.







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