Winter Ball is Fun with Friends, a Date or Solo

A group of sophomores and their dates having dinner and hanging out before going to Winter Ball.

The stress of finding a winter ball date: often times, this becomes a bigger source of panic and worry than the homework due tomorrow. Should I ask the person that I like? Should I go stag? Should I get set up? Stone Ridge girls take a variety of different dates to winter ball, and ultimately end up having different experiences as a result.

This year, 68% of Stone Ridge girls opted to take a date. Of this 68%, 63.5% reported they were taking a friend and 24% said they were taking a significant other. As a result, girls ended up having different expectations and experiences due to who they decided to take.

Those with significant others are typically less tense than those who are taking someone they have never met. The anxiety over how it’s going to play out is taken away, and it is easier to let loose and have a good time. However, there are other fun options, as having a boyfriend is not for everyone.  

Struggling to find a date can be easily relieved by having a friend set you up with one of her date’s friends. Being set up has several pros and cons; there are many horror stories, but also many good stories. Set-up dates could range from becoming your boyfriend to not saying a word the whole night, and either way is fine for most girls. Once the initial awkward stage passes, it is easy to have a good time, despite just having met your date.

This year, Emma Sullivan ‘18 opted to take a good friend rather than be set up. She says she was glad she made this decision, as she “…felt more comfortable at the dance and was more likely to have fun and dance and was less worried about if my date was having fun or not,” Sullivan said.

Another advantage of taking a friend is that it is easier to tell them to be respectful and make sure that they do not misbehave. Sometimes telling someone you’ve never met to not make any mischief can be uncomfortable.  

If all else fails, there are always plenty of girls who go stag, and aren’t afraid to do so. At other schools, going stag can sometimes have the connotation of being a “loser” or “not having anyone to take.” At Stone Ridge, girls are proud to go stag, and show up with their girlfriends and have a great time. There’s no one to impress or be nervous about it, and often times people have more fun turning it into a girls night.

Seniors Karina Absalon, Landry Werth, Maggie Quinn, Madison Bryant and Gillian Tobias having fun at their pre-party.
Juniors Catherine Spina, Stephanie Devine, Emma Sullivan and Kate Hohman looking nice and dressed up before heading to Winter Ball.

No matter how you show up to winter ball, there are always plenty of memories made. Getting all dressed up is always enjoyable, no matter if it is for your date or for yourself. There is no better way to build community than on the dance floor!




