A Whole New World: Backstage Access to the Fall Show

by Jamison Rodgers, Assistant News Editor

“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players,” wrote the playwright William Shakespeare in his play As You Like It. This fall, the Upper School Drama Department will be performing As You Like It.
You are being taken to a place no audience member has gone before: backstage.
“What I love most about performing is that I can take on a persona that is not my own,” said Katie Kalhorn ‘19, who plays the role of Orlando for the upcoming show. “It’s almost a form of escape from the real world and from problems for a while when you can live through somebody else.”
“My favorite part of the production is tech week,” said Kendall Wienecke ‘20, who is a double threat as the head of wardrobe and an actress in the show. “We’re all so very stressed, and we run on cough drops and naps throughout the process, but it’s where all of our hard work comes to fruition.”
“After the second performance, which is usually the Friday of tech week, the entire cast and crew goes out to Silver Diner to pig out on milkshakes and fries,” said Carrie Goeke- Morey ‘20, who is in her element playing the court jester. “By that point in the night, it’s usually 10 [p.m.], but we’re all still reeling from the show.”
“My [favorite] tradition is the game we play at Silver Diner,” said Adrianna Kapust ‘20, the lighting extraordinaire. “We change the sugar to salt and eat it,” trying to guess who has the salt based on everyone’s expressions.
“My favorite part of the production is camaraderie seen during play practice,” said Meghana Pai ‘19, the stage manager who is responsible for making sure the show happens as rehearsed.
As You Like It will run from November 29 to December 1. Keep an eye out for tickets to go on sale soon!



