Category: News

  • Uniting Cultures and Students Through the Seal of Biliteracy

    Uniting Cultures and Students Through the Seal of Biliteracy

    by Jamison Rodgers, Assistant News Editor   A new language proficiency award, the Seal of Biliteracy, is coming to Stone Ridge for the first time this year. According to the Seal of Biliteracy website, “the Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, school district, or county office of education in recognition of…

  • A Deeper Look into the United Nation’s Newest Update on Climate Change

    In just the past month, the United States has witnessed several severe hurricanes tear through the country, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Their effects are believed by the majority of scientists to have been strengthened by climate change, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). While there are still many people…

  • Stone Ridge Welcomes New Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion after Three Year Gap

    After two years without a Director of Diversity, Stone Ridge has a new Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Ms. Michelle Black. According to Head of School Mrs. Catherine Karrels, the school decided to “take a step back and to assess what [it] wanted the [diversity] program to be.” This reassessment included a title…

  • Why Trump?

    Why Trump?

    This article is one half of the two piece opinion page. To read the alternate viewpoint, please click here. I would like to begin by stating that both the presidential candidates for this election are embarrassing representatives of our beautiful and progressive country. Neither candidate can be deemed to have high morals or a level…

  • Despite Clinton’s Loss, Female Leaders Hopeful

    Despite Clinton’s Loss, Female Leaders Hopeful

      In 1872, Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to run for the presidency of the United States. Woodhull, who was known for creating the first woman owned brokerage in the United States, was nominated by the Equal Rights Party; as a third party nominee, she had little chance of winning the presidency. Twelve years…

  • Higher (priced) Education

    Higher (priced) Education

      Often times, we find ourselves getting so caught up in the price of college tuition that we forget about how much it costs to just apply to college. There is a lot of spending that goes into the whole college process: ACT/SAT tutoring, the actual ACT/SAT test, the cost of traveling to various colleges,…

  • Attempting to Mold a Community Grounded in the Mutual Respect of Justices Scalia and Ginsburg

    Attempting to Mold a Community Grounded in the Mutual Respect of Justices Scalia and Ginsburg

    As I sit in Room 380 during Friday break, I listen intently to the passionate voices of my peers. Although I have never before attended a Spectrum meeting, I am strangely comfortable in my new environment and feel warmly welcomed by those who sit beside me. No one looks at me strangely, wondering why the…

  • Delving into Beyonce’s Controversial Super Bowl Halftime Show

    Delving into Beyonce’s Controversial Super Bowl Halftime Show

    The day before her controversial Super Bowl performance, Beyoncé released her first single after a two-year hiatus. “Formation,” with an accompanying music video set in New Orleans, represents a new sound for Beyoncé, and it is seen as an unapologetically black anthem that has an upbeat, hip-hop sound originating from Houston, her hometown. Speaking to…

  • 2016 Presidential Primary Profiles

    2016 Presidential Primary Profiles

    Bernie Sanders, a self described Democratic Socialist, is popular among far-left voters.  He is very liberal, both fiscally and socially. Some of his major financial rallying points have been raising the minimum wage to help reduce income and wealth inequality, making public college tuition free, and limiting the role big money plays in politics. Socially,…

  • Boosting Body Confidence through Food for Thought

    Boosting Body Confidence through Food for Thought

    You’re valued only for your skin and bones. You’re treated as a hanger for the clothes. And who are you showcasing those clothes to? People judging you with sole regard for your external appearance–how your skin hangs on your bones, how your clothes hang on your skin. Entirely apathetic toward your inner core, toward what…