Category: Opinion and Review

  • The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

    The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

    Zen–something quickly found during the few minutes of espacio that begin class and just as quickly lost when a theology teacher shatters the meditative silence with a question regarding this week’s homily. As a Muslim, I can in no way reply: I’ve only listened to the homilies during masses here at Stone Ridge. The Muslim…

  • Lucrative Careers May Trump Genuine Passions

    Sitting in her massive office that overlooks city high-rises, rapidly and gracefully ascending the financial ladder as she invents new marketing strategies, is a Chief Executive Officer. She presides over her peers, creates her own schedule, orders interns to go on coffee runs, and lives the life that many aspire to and envy. A thriving…

  • The Class Structure of Music Festivals

    The Class Structure of Music Festivals

    Every music lover knows that warmer weather brings not only cookouts and road trips, but also the beginning of festival season. From star-studded Coachella, to our very own Sweet Life, there can be no denying the magnitude and reach of these events. However, what many attendees do not appreciate, or even acknowledge, is the history…

  • The Lost Art of Fashion

    The Lost Art of Fashion

    Obviously, the girl walking down the street in the rather drab ensemble has more intellectual thoughts on life, love, and the economy than the woman beside her in Louboutins looking like she just stepped out of Vogue. (*sarcasm*).  I am not saying that wearing brand names is the only way to be well dressed, in…

  • The “prank” video that defined a young man’s career

    The “prank” video that defined a young man’s career

    Sam Pepper, a twenty-five year old YouTuber famous for public pranks and social experiments, recently uploaded a video in which he brazenly violates and harasses innocent women on the streets of Los Angeles. His careless and disrespectful public gestures tested the entire YouTube community and led them to reconsider what they choose to watch, celebrate,…