Category: Student Life

  • Teacher of the Issue: Mr. Christopher Murray

         As many have noticed, the fourth-floor hallway is now home to a desk for a new faculty member, Mr. Christopher Murray. While Mr. Murray is new to Stone Ridge this year, he is not new to the subject of history.      Born in Rockville, Mr. Murray attended Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia.…

  • The State of Brown Bags

    Before last year, ‘Brown Bag Lunches,’ student-led discussions about world issues, were a regular occurrence. These hour-long discussions addressed topics such as campus sexual assault, the Syrian refugee crisis, and the shooting of Michael Brown. However, in the last two years, 25-minute ‘Community Conversations,’ which have been led by SASAB’s Infusion team during break, have…

  • Building Bridges Between the Upper and Lower Schools

    On February 2, the Stone Ridge kindergarteners sat in Good Hall and watched in awe as Upper School engineering students placed textbook after textbook on top of bridges they had designed using K’Nex. It became so suspenseful that, at one point, kindergartener James yelled out, “I can’t watch!” As the bridges came crashing down, the…

  • Three Love Lessons Your Teachers Didn’t Teach You in Class

    Three Love Lessons Your Teachers Didn’t Teach You in Class

    The Grand Proposal The first story begins with a man named John, a postgraduate-student living in the DC area, waiting patiently for someone to call his own. One night, John was invited by some of his good friends, Jack and Michelle, to a party at their house for their single friends. It was at this…

  • Meeting Dr. Matro

    Meeting Dr. Matro

    Dr. Katharina Matro is fluent in three (and a half) languages, has two Master’s degrees, a P.h.D, two young children, and a new job in the Upper School history department at Stone Ridge. While this is Dr. Matro’s first year as a full time teacher, this is not her first year as a member of…

  • A Blast From Stone Ridge Past

    A Blast From Stone Ridge Past

    Stone Ridge is constantly changing. In recent years, the school has removed the tennis courts and opened a new turf field, made some changes to the student uniform, and added a workout room and dance studio. Have you ever wondered how different the Stone Ridge Upper School was going back even further? In 1963, for…

  • Introducing the New Upper School Physics and Chemistry Teacher: Mr. Will Robertson!

    How many men go on mushroom forays in their free time? How many men went to grad school and spent countless hours in a lab working on anti-tumor drugs to fight cancer? How many men put in the time to find the perfect girlfriend for their guinea pig so that their furry friend won’t be…

  • Getting To Know Mr. McDonald

    A Salt Lake City, Utah native somehow finds himself in Washington, DC.  Through a childhood of moving around from city to city and even country to country, Mr. Aaron McDonald hopes to have found his permanent home here in Washington, DC and at Stone Ridge. “My childhood was somewhat transient, we moved around quite a…

  • SR Welcomes New Athletic Staff

    SR Welcomes New Athletic Staff

    This year, the Stone Ridge Athletic Department has had several new additions, including a new full time P.E. coach, an interim trainer, and a new interim assistant athletic director. Mr. Patric Farrell, the new Physical Education teacher, is a certified fitness professional, among the many other roles he passionately takes on in the Stone Ridge…

  • Does Standardized Test Prep Actually Help Increase Scores?

    Does Standardized Test Prep Actually Help Increase Scores?

    As juniors and seniors begin and end the college process, standardized testing weighs on the minds of students and parents. Across the United States, high schoolers spend their Saturday mornings agonizingly filling in bubble after bubble. At this point in the year, seniors are stressing about whether their scores will be good enough for their…