Category: Student Life

  • The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

    The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

    Zen–something quickly found during the few minutes of espacio that begin class and just as quickly lost when a theology teacher shatters the meditative silence with a question regarding this week’s homily. As a Muslim, I can in no way reply: I’ve only listened to the homilies during masses here at Stone Ridge. The Muslim…

  • Lucrative Careers May Trump Genuine Passions

    Sitting in her massive office that overlooks city high-rises, rapidly and gracefully ascending the financial ladder as she invents new marketing strategies, is a Chief Executive Officer. She presides over her peers, creates her own schedule, orders interns to go on coffee runs, and lives the life that many aspire to and envy. A thriving…

  • The Shame in Music Shaming

    The Shame in Music Shaming

    “Ew! I cannot believe you listen to their music!” This phrase pervades the bustling halls and crammed cloak rooms of Stone Ridge. Judgment of musical preference is a recurring issue within the senior lounge, the library, and the community at large. Everyone enjoys good music. The melodious combination of instruments and vocals possesses the power…

  • Staying Fit and Healthy in the DMV

    Staying Fit and Healthy in the DMV

    Are those fit Bethesda moms starting a trend? Recently, living a healthy lifestyle and working out has become very popular in our local community. Fast, casual restaurants, including Sweet Green and Chop’t, have become the habitual dining spots of Stone Ridge girls. Loren Giulieri, ’17, goes to Chop’t “at least once a week.” Chop’t is…

  • An Interview With Ms. Morin

    An Interview With Ms. Morin

  • The Senior Internship Program

    The Senior Internship Program

        Stone Ridge is known for its exciting and community-building traditions, which can range from formal all-school masses, to surprise congés, to a fun goûter in-between classes. But one Stone Ridge tradition that goes a step beyond community-building by pushing the girls to celebrate Goal Five and encouraging them to use the knowledge and…

  • An Interview with Mr. Hulseman

    An Interview with Mr. Hulseman


  • Merits of Campaigning

    Merits of Campaigning

    by Arianna Scott and Nora Gosselin Presidential candidates have used campaigning throughout this nation’s history, skillfully drawing in more active support and sparking impassioned reactions. Political campaigning, as old as our nation itself, is seen as advantageous and democratic– an expression of our freedom of speech, a strengthening of the open forum ideally at the…

  • SR Art Show: A Visual Tour

    SR Art Show: A Visual Tour

  • Temporary Italians, Parisians, Peruvians, and Madrileñas

    Temporary Italians, Parisians, Peruvians, and Madrileñas

    Students were invited this spring break to climb Machu Picchu, saunter along Parisian promenades, visit Italian ruins in the small town of Ostia, or explore Spain’s capital like a true madrileña. The language department at Stone Ridge hosted four trips, impeccably well-planned and unbelievably rewarding–not only because students were engrossed in the language they are…