Here and Now

  • New Weight Room

    New Weight Room

    If you love working out but don’t want to pay for a gym membership, Stone Ridge’s new fitness room is the place for you. Over the summer, a new and improved “Gator Athletics Performance Center” was built in Gym 2. It includes multiple treadmills, weights, and cardio equipment. The performance center is accessible from 3:15-6…

  • The Indisputable Power of the Coffee Bean

    The Indisputable Power of the Coffee Bean

    As a girl who is single-handedly supporting the entire coffee bean industry of Brazil, I think that coffee is a beautiful, wonderful, incredible thing. It may even be God’s greatest gift to creation–aside from Netflix and Zac Efron. Not only has my coffee addiction allowed me to stimulate the growth of our global economy, but…

  • The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

    The Power of Interreligious Dialogue

    Zen–something quickly found during the few minutes of espacio that begin class and just as quickly lost when a theology teacher shatters the meditative silence with a question regarding this week’s homily. As a Muslim, I can in no way reply: I’ve only listened to the homilies during masses here at Stone Ridge. The Muslim…

  • Snapchat’s Live Stories: The New Backpack Journalism

    Snapchat’s Live Stories: The New Backpack Journalism

    There are multiple methods of receiving news in this day and age–a thin, freshly printed newspaper delivered to the front door, local television broadcasts, and social media newsfeeds. Teens scroll through their Twitter and Facebook newsfeeds, momentarily pausing to read the tidbits of information that immediately attract their attention. Social media is an easily accessible,…

  • Lucrative Careers May Trump Genuine Passions

    Sitting in her massive office that overlooks city high-rises, rapidly and gracefully ascending the financial ladder as she invents new marketing strategies, is a Chief Executive Officer. She presides over her peers, creates her own schedule, orders interns to go on coffee runs, and lives the life that many aspire to and envy. A thriving…

  • Debunking False Art School Stereotypes

    Debunking False Art School Stereotypes

    Art schools are sometimes very negatively stereotyped as institutions filled with starving artists where very little meaningful learning occurs, but if you were to talk to some of the students who plan on attending one of these institutions, they’d paint a very different picture. “At art school it’s a lot more flexible” says Claire Hansen,…

  • The Shame in Music Shaming

    The Shame in Music Shaming

    “Ew! I cannot believe you listen to their music!” This phrase pervades the bustling halls and crammed cloak rooms of Stone Ridge. Judgment of musical preference is a recurring issue within the senior lounge, the library, and the community at large. Everyone enjoys good music. The melodious combination of instruments and vocals possesses the power…

  • Staying Fit and Healthy in the DMV

    Staying Fit and Healthy in the DMV

    Are those fit Bethesda moms starting a trend? Recently, living a healthy lifestyle and working out has become very popular in our local community. Fast, casual restaurants, including Sweet Green and Chop’t, have become the habitual dining spots of Stone Ridge girls. Loren Giulieri, ’17, goes to Chop’t “at least once a week.” Chop’t is…

  • A Scrumptious, Beefy Tomato Steak Arrives in D.C.

    A Scrumptious, Beefy Tomato Steak Arrives in D.C.

    As you can tell by the byline, this reporter may or may not have a bias. As a result, multiple sources were consulted in writing this article, and no source was told the reporter’s last name. Most enter a restaurant called Beefsteak expecting to be served some type of meat. But upon seeing walls, kitchens,…

  • A Step In The Right Direction for Women’s Sports

    A Step In The Right Direction for Women’s Sports

    As the ball soared over the Japanese goalkeeper’s head for the fourth time, the excitement radiating from the United States players was felt throughout our proud nation. After 16 long years, the United States Women’s National Soccer Team won the World Cup for the third time, routing Japan with the help of three goals from…