Here and Now

  • Secondhand Success

    Secondhand Success

      Independent clothing stores, especially ones that specialize in vintage and previously owned clothes and accessories, are dominating the fashion and business industry. Both Reddz Trading in Bethesda and Via Gypset in Woodley Park are perfect examples of well-run, welcoming, and quirky vintage and consignment clothing stores that are accessible and appropriate for any Stone Ridge…

  • A Question of Accountability

    A Question of Accountability

    Professional athletes share an exclusive place in society with their celebrity contemporaries, a place characterized by excessive wealth and privilege. The public maintains the perception that money is, in fact, buying these athletes’ happiness. With multi-million dollar contracts weighing down their pockets as they go about their extravagant lifestyles, professional athletes are often considered to…

  • Bold-Flavored Bodega

    Bold-Flavored Bodega

    Most Stone Ridge students shopping and enjoying a frosty winter day in Georgetown don’t usually think of eating Spanish tapas. The places that often come to mind may include Pizzeria Paradiso right on M Street, the Georgetown University students’ go-to, the Tombs, or Baked and Wired, nooked along a quiet side street. Gillian Tobias, ‘17,…

  • Improving the SAT

    Improving the SAT

    The SAT article in the first issue of the Here & Now focused on the hardships, stress, and inequality of standardized testing. But I would not write such a depressing and somewhat frightening article about all the problems with this test without leaving you with a glimmer of hope. This article will therefore discuss the…

  • Not Our Girls: the Western Media Disconnect

    Not Our Girls: the Western Media Disconnect

    Almost two million people flocked to Paris, including 40 world leaders, while millions more participated in demonstrations across the world, brandishing pencils and filling the streets with impassioned cries of “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie). The hashtag “#jesuischarlie” trended on Twitter, candlelight vigils were held in both Europe and throughout the Americas, and everyone…

  • The Best Music of 2014

    The Best Music of 2014

    Music is strange. That something so indescribable exists– something that can make you laugh or cry, remind you with a single note of that late summer evening or that early winter morning– is really quite strange. The task of judging music then, ranking it for its vocals or its acoustics, seems equally as odd, but…

  • SR Girls Grapple With Ferguson

    SR Girls Grapple With Ferguson

    By Nora Gosselin, Arianna Scott, Kendall Kaiser and Pamela Lawrence Sitting cross-legged on the floor, perched on the radiators, and piled on the couches, people were eager to contribute. Their eyes darted about, following the lively conversation with an intensity rarely seen in Brown Bag debates. Brown Bags, lunch discussions sponsored by Social Action and…

  • The Child Beauty Pageant Debate

    The Child Beauty Pageant Debate

    Dressing up like a princess seems like such harmless fun — or at least this is what Michel le Parmentier, director of France’s “Mini-Miss” pageants, would have you believe. His annual competition for preteens has come under fire in recent years, blurring the line between  what is seen as “cute” and “sexual,” leaving French citizens…

  • The Gators Behind the SR Newspaper

    The Gators Behind the SR Newspaper

    Finally, you have gotten your hands on a copy of the Here and Now. As you flip through these colorful pages of both fact-heavy news stories and light-hearted features, do you ever wonder how it all comes together? How exactly the Journalism class brought these stories to life? Making a student newspaper is a much…

  • Making the Most of Winter in D.C.

    Making the Most of Winter in D.C.

    There is nothing like winter in the city. The cold seems to sharpen everything, as steam rises above the taxi-cabs and wind drags newspapers through the streets. From skating to shopping, the season is filled with a variety of activities that remind Washingtonians why they love their city and how to enjoy it despite the…