Here and Now

  • Introducing the New Upper School Physics and Chemistry Teacher: Mr. Will Robertson!

    How many men go on mushroom forays in their free time? How many men went to grad school and spent countless hours in a lab working on anti-tumor drugs to fight cancer? How many men put in the time to find the perfect girlfriend for their guinea pig so that their furry friend won’t be…

  • Getting To Know Mr. McDonald

    A Salt Lake City, Utah native somehow finds himself in Washington, DC.  Through a childhood of moving around from city to city and even country to country, Mr. Aaron McDonald hopes to have found his permanent home here in Washington, DC and at Stone Ridge. “My childhood was somewhat transient, we moved around quite a…

  • SR Welcomes New Athletic Staff

    SR Welcomes New Athletic Staff

    This year, the Stone Ridge Athletic Department has had several new additions, including a new full time P.E. coach, an interim trainer, and a new interim assistant athletic director. Mr. Patric Farrell, the new Physical Education teacher, is a certified fitness professional, among the many other roles he passionately takes on in the Stone Ridge…

  • Does Standardized Test Prep Actually Help Increase Scores?

    Does Standardized Test Prep Actually Help Increase Scores?

    As juniors and seniors begin and end the college process, standardized testing weighs on the minds of students and parents. Across the United States, high schoolers spend their Saturday mornings agonizingly filling in bubble after bubble. At this point in the year, seniors are stressing about whether their scores will be good enough for their…

  • Why Trump?

    Why Trump?

    This article is one half of the two piece opinion page. To read the alternate viewpoint, please click here. I would like to begin by stating that both the presidential candidates for this election are embarrassing representatives of our beautiful and progressive country. Neither candidate can be deemed to have high morals or a level…

  • Does Birth Month Affect Athletic Ability?

    Does Birth Month Affect Athletic Ability?

    Most student athletes have experienced at least one, if not several, of “those” parents. The parents who seem to lose all sense of morality when watching their child play sports. Sometimes, it seems that these parents want athletic success for their children more than their children do. But what if it was possible for these…

  • Success Begins Now: SR Girls at Work

    Success Begins Now: SR Girls at Work

    What don’t Stone Ridge girls do? Between AP classes, Social Action, SCGs, sports, arts, college applications, drivers ed, SAT prep classes, and managing social lives, 83 percent of Stone Ridge girls also manage a job outside of school at some point in the year. According to a survey conducted by Here and Now staff, the…

  • Coming Soon: Healthier Vending Machines

    One 20 ounce bottle of Minute Maid fruit punch contains 71 grams of sugar. That is the equivalent of over a third cup of sugar. One small bag of Cheetos contains 300 milligrams of sodium, which is 20 percent of the daily sodium intake recommended by the American Heart Association. One pack of Brown Sugar…

  • Captivating Museum Comes to Life

    You enter a narrow space within an overcrowded vessel with people whom you barely know. You are forced to invade their space because there is nowhere else for you to go. The waves of the Atlantic Ocean pound on the side of the ship, making you wish you could get off, but the heavy shackles…

  • Despite Clinton’s Loss, Female Leaders Hopeful

    Despite Clinton’s Loss, Female Leaders Hopeful

      In 1872, Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to run for the presidency of the United States. Woodhull, who was known for creating the first woman owned brokerage in the United States, was nominated by the Equal Rights Party; as a third party nominee, she had little chance of winning the presidency. Twelve years…