Here and Now

  • Updates on the 2016 Presidential Campaigns

    Based on an anonymous poll conducted of 100 Stone Ridge student respondents, Bernie Sanders and John Kasich should be running in the 2016 election as candidates for the Democratic and Republican Party, respectively. Interestingly enough, the state of Maryland as a whole believes otherwise–according to RealClearPolitics polls, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump should be the…

  • Prepare Yourself for This Summer’s Blockbusters

    Prepare Yourself for This Summer’s Blockbusters

    Excited for this summer’s movie releases? So are we! Here are some exciting new films to order tickets for! Alice Through the Looking Glass   Don’t be deceived by this children’s book title; Tim Burton’s rendering of this classic story is sure to leave chills down the spines of adults and children alike. In this…

  • Prom 2016

    Prom season is upon us, and with it comes outrageous promposals, drama of last-minute breakups, and the most sparkly Instagram feed imaginable. As an all-girls’ school, it is the responsibility of Stone Ridge girls to import dates from schools in the area, which is not always easy. In past years, there has been an increase…

  • Fun Things to Do in and around D.C. This Summer

    Fun Things to Do in and around D.C. This Summer

    1. Bike from Bethesda to Georgetown – Crescent Trail: Start in downtown Bethesda directly across from Barnes & Noble and bike all the way to Georgetown (around 11 miles each way). The trip is almost entirely flat, and the views of the canal are breathtaking. 2. Kayaking – the Boathouse: Go kayaking on the Potomac–you just might…

  • S is for Summer… And Service!

    Through the Social Action program, Stone Ridge girls have no trouble dedicating themselves to community service during the school year. As summer approaches many students express a desire to continue their service during their time away from school. While it requires more effort and thoughtful planning since Ms. Brownlee won’t be around to help, there…

  • SR Athletes: Why So Superstitious?

    SR Athletes: Why So Superstitious?

    Charlotte Flannery ‘19 always puts her mouthguard in her hockey glove before a game. Zoe Barnette ‘19 has put the same lucky coin in her fencing shoe since third grade. Phaedra Manikas ‘18 puts ice down her shirt before each soccer game. Superstitions and rituals can strongly affect someone’s athletic performance. But are they effective?…

  • Rabindranath Tagore: Where the Mind Is without Fear

    Rabindranath Tagore: Where the Mind Is without Fear

    This is a poem by the Bengali poet, Rabindranath Tagore, as part of Arianna Scott’s public poetry project. Please feel free to comment below a few sentences or even a few words that describe any initial reactions–how the poem makes you feel, what it makes you think of. Always remember to think fearlessly and let…

  • What Compels Stone Ridge Girls to Play Sports

    What Compels Stone Ridge Girls to Play Sports

    When you think of what identifies a high school or university, many times its athletic program is one of the first things that comes to mind. Sports draw communities together and instill a sense of school pride in students, families, and at the collegiate level, fans across the country. Some students enjoy watching sports as…

  • True Life: Ms. Stephany Fontanone

    When I asked several of Ms. Fontanone’s students to describe her in a single word, the first response I received was, “you can’t.” Passionate, unique, and inspiring are only some of the words students use to begin to capture one of the English Department’s prized members. Ms. Fontanone has been a member of the Stone…

  • Affirmative Action: Accounting for Differences in Both Identity and Economics

    Goal 2 of Sacred Heart education promotes “a deep respect for intellectual values.” How can you respect and understand said intellectual values if you’re not holistically exposed to them? How can you properly incorporate “all forms of critical thinking,” as stated within the criteria of Goal 2, without exposure to them? I urge you to…