Here and Now

  • Violating Freedom of Expression: Banning Books

    Violating Freedom of Expression: Banning Books

    I recall sitting in Ms. Zindulis’ Introduction to Literature and Composition class as a First Academic, unexposed to so much of this world’s and our country’s injustice, and being asked whether or not banning books, or attempting to remove or restrict their accessibility, is fair. This conversation was sparked by Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, which…

  • Stone Ridge Goes to the Renwick: A Visual Diary

    Stone Ridge Goes to the Renwick: A Visual Diary

  • Feast Wishes Evolution: Partridge to a Drummer

    Feast Wishes Evolution: Partridge to a Drummer

    On one special day of the year, the entire Stone Ridge community joyfully choruses in a song other than “Coeur de Jesus.” Though this may sound like disloyalty to our school anthem–a betrayal to the Sacred Heart Network, even–the holiday spirit kindly nudges “Coeur de Jesus” to the side for a bit and replaces its usual…

  • Sisters of Stone Ridge

    Sisters of Stone Ridge

    Have you ever stopped and realized how many siblings are scattered all over Stone Ridge? Well in the Upper School alone, there are more than 50 girls who have a sister who attends Stone Ridge, according to a survey sent to Upper School students. Sisters are not always easy, but as siblings get older they…

  • New Coaches At The Swamp

    This year at Stone Ridge, many new coaches have joined the athletic program with enthusiasm and motivation. These new additions have already begun to showcase their coaching abilities with both success and a commitment to their teams. The future looks bright for Stone Ridge Athletics, and the student athletes are excited to improve and to…

  • Ways to Serve During the Holiday Season

    Ways to Serve During the Holiday Season

    As the Advent season progresses, Christians await the coming of Jesus Christ. Christmas and the winter season are often associated with family, joy and warmth, while Christmas songs, hot chocolate, and ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas marathon are some aspects that make the holidays especially enjoyable. However, this time of year can be difficult…

  • How Non-Christians at Stone Ridge Celebrate the Holidays

    How Non-Christians at Stone Ridge Celebrate the Holidays

    As a Catholic school, Stone Ridge necessarily focuses on Christmas during this holiday season, involving the entire community regardless of faith. In the spirit of Goal IV, The Here and Now interviewed some non-Christians in our Stone Ridge family about their faith traditions. Describe how you generally practice your faith. Zoe Sheppard, ’16 (Jewish): I…

  • Thanksgiving Baskets: Where Do They Go?

    Every year, as Thanksgiving break rolls around, students arrive at school with enormous amounts of Thanksgiving foods. When they can be seen carrying oversized bags filled with groceries, it is safe to say that Thanksgiving break–and Stone Ridge’s annual Thanksgiving basket tradition–is right around the corner. Advisories compete against each other to see who can…

  • Teacher Recommendations for Winter Break Entertainment

    Winter break is always a good time to catch up on sleep, hang out with family, and relax, but for those students who enjoy having something to keep them busy, we have some teacher recommended entertainment for this holiday season.   Mr. Woodard recommends Netflix’s in-house series, Daredevil. The show follows the blind vigilante Matt…

  • Role Model Mothers of Stone Ridge

    Role Model Mothers of Stone Ridge

      At Stone Ridge, students are empowered to achieve great things, both during their time at school and beyond. While in school we may look to women like Malala Yousafzai and Emma Watson for inspiration, many members of the Sacred Heart community are equally impressive. This journalist had the pleasure of speaking with two such…