Tag: feminism

  • Jennifer Lawrence Protests the Entertainment Industry Wage Gap

    “Could there still be a lingering habit of trying to express our opinions in a certain way that doesn’t ‘offend’ or ‘scare’ men?” asks Jennifer Lawrence, Academy Award-winning actress, who speaks from experience. For years, she strayed from speaking on the complex topic of feminism, but since issues for women in the entertainment industry are…

  • Why “Hitting Like a Girl” is a Compliment

    Why “Hitting Like a Girl” is a Compliment

    “You hit like a girl.” “You can’t play with the boys, you’ll get hurt.” “Boys are naturally better athletes.” Society encourages these culturally constructed ideas and messages to infiltrate the minds of young girls, essentially stomping on their aspirations with a giant sexist foot. Little girls and boys alike have dreams of becoming leaders, astronauts…

  • Emma Watson Steps Into a New Role

    Emma Watson Steps Into a New Role

    When Emma Watson delivered her impassioned speech at New York’s United Nations Headquarters on September 20th, it was unclear what exactly the repercussions would be. Feminism is by no means a new topic, however it has received new waves of attention in recent years, spinning in forceful circles from high-level officials, to mass media, to…

  • The “prank” video that defined a young man’s career

    The “prank” video that defined a young man’s career

    Sam Pepper, a twenty-five year old YouTuber famous for public pranks and social experiments, recently uploaded a video in which he brazenly violates and harasses innocent women on the streets of Los Angeles. His careless and disrespectful public gestures tested the entire YouTube community and led them to reconsider what they choose to watch, celebrate,…